

Sunday, June 3, 2012
Just drawing @ 5:03 AM

So its the second week of the second last trimester of my animation course. To get myself motivated I decided to paint some eeveutions.

While I "wasted" lots of time testing the best way to convert a greyscale picture into colour, I should have been working on my final project.
While most animators in my cohort actually decided to work on games I decided to do a 1 minute short about a guy who's locked in a laboratory and escapes only to be locked up again. Of course 1 minute isn't long, so I had to keep it short.
But it's early days so I'll show you a concept and thats it... Because that's all I have right now ~_~'

Friday, May 25, 2012

So a while back I did a picture for lolita the artwork, which is a non profit awesome just for fun art book some members of the EGL community made up together.
You can buy it here!
I'll be buying myself a copy as soon as I get paid! Yay!
To be honest I'm not all that happy with the piece I submitted so I'm silently hoping that the person who coordinated this one with maybe do this again some time in the future~
One can dream!

Anyways I'm onto my finishing 2 trimesters at qantm, meaning it's time for final projects!
My pitch is on Wednesday and I'm nervous as hell, but I'm having a lot of fun doing up early illustrations.
Heres a sample-

Obviously the perspective is a little screwball, but for now it'll be what it is.
Now I'm sleepy sleepy, nighty night!

Sunday, April 29, 2012
DnD @ 7:14 AM

Long time no post! My uni work has really been getting me down. Even though I'm not speeding every moment of my life on assignment work I still feel like its beating me down and a little bit of myself is dying. I can't wait for the next trimester so I can do concept art.

But anyways as a way to stop myself from going insane I've decided to play Dungeons an Dragons. My character is an elf druid~ here's a work in progress of her.

:3 I'm becoming very happy with her the more I draw her. My boyfriend and my boyfriend are also elves, making us the awesome band of pansies.

I can't wait for uni to go on break so I can work on my art more, but for now I'll have to sit tight.

In loli news I've been dressing up a lot to make myself feel better. I have a lot of new items from taobao, so I'll write a review on them soon~

Don't mind the mess

When everything dies down I'll write more. U3U adios amigos.

Location:McPherson Rd,Sinnamon Park,Australia

Friday, March 23, 2012
Lolita the artwork original piece @ 7:34 AM

I never finished this piece so i thought i might as well show it here~

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Artingering @ 4:26 AM

Whew, just submitted my art piece for Lolita the Artwork. These past months have been busy as hell so I wasn't able to get what I wanted done for the book, and the original concept changed a lot too~
Happy I followed through though

Lately to get myself creatively motivated I've been doing two hour drawing challenges with Edwin. We take turns choosing a theme and character type. I think now that we've done that structure so many times we might try something else. But here are what I've done so far

Theme for this one was clockwork era and fox 
(I didn't finish the background since I ran out of time)

Theme for this one was ghoul and tropical beach 

I look forward to tonights drawing session~ they're really helping keep the creative spirit alive.


Monday, January 23, 2012
Sketching Out @ 6:35 AM

Ahhh I have a heavy week ahead of me. Time has come for me to move out of my parents house and into the real world with some of my friends, for the greater good! And for the sake of education. I go house hunting for the next couple of days, which I'm actually looking forward to. I love to look at the houses and imagine myself living there. Good times.

Anyways, while at my friends house Ive been arting a whole lot. I havent really worked on much art lately so its good to get behind the tablet again. This is a preview for my (not sure if meant to be) super secret piece for LOLITA: The Artwork. ;A; Its hard to get back into the swing of things after not drawing all that much these holidays. Hopefully I can make this prettyful for the book, but for now enjoy this WIP.


Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Childrens Card Games @ 6:49 AM

Good morning blogface!
I was reviewing the events of the past year and how much I've changed the other day and realised that I've grown a couple of hobbies. Lolita being the first and my one true hobby, the second being Magic The Gathering. For those not in the know about this kind of thing, mtg is a card game. I guess I won't go into how the game is played or anything but you can visit the site if you're interested here~ My deck is a white equipment deck with puresteel paladin as my centerpiece *_*. It used to be a cat deck but it was lame so nic and I tore it apart. One day I'll build a proper cat deck with raksha and all the pretty kitties.
Anyways, I took up mtg when my ex introduced me to it. I fell in love with the amazing art work and the love for the game grew later. For a while it felt like a duty to learn it for the relationship but then it was like cardboard crack! What I love most about magic now though is the big games we have at college in our downtimes. It's like a social event rather than a competition, so my sucking so hard at the game doesn't really matter.

The other day my friend, Jacobee, lent me a few of his cards to make my deck a bit more awesome. Among the cards were some swords (body and mind and such) and batterskulls. Being trusted with such expensive cards is stressful, im scared I might bend one when I try to shuffle my deck.

Here are the more awesome cards in my deck. Puresteel paladin being the decks planned backbone, but to be honest I don't get him out as much as I like. For when puresteel isn't about, there's etched champion. He's pretty awesome when he's got metalcraft, and most times I can slowly just attach things to him and it's ok. Though those two are just my favorite creatures of the deck.

Now that innistrad is out though, its hard to get into the new cards. Though I find creepy doll pretty damn cool. Most of the other cards are just boring. Everything is just so generic, like vampires and werewolves. But that kind of speak has no place here!
I hope to have another year of magical goodness with my mtg friends at college. It's the last year I get the chance to do this after all~ ciao for now!